Saltfish Accra Recipe

Saltfish Accra Recipe

We hope you try this delicious Saltfish Accra recipe that we’ve prepared for you! Use Nariel Coconut Oil for the perfect crispy fried finish!


1/2 lb salt­ed fish, washed and soaked in boiling water for 10 mins

1 small onion, finely chopped

2 pi­men­tos finely chopped

3 garlic cloves finely minced

1/4 cup chopped chives

5 shadon Beni leaves finely chopped

1 tb­sp fine thyme leaves

1 cup flour

½ tsp garlic powder

½ tsp onion powder

2 tsp bak­ing pow­der

1/2 cup water

2 tbsp lime juice

Salt and black pepper to taste



-Wash salt fish in 1 tbsp lime juice and wa­ter, strip and squeeze excess.

-Combine in a mixing bowl all dry ingredients: onion, garlic, pimento, thyme, chives, shadon beni, salt, black pepper, then add salt fish, flour, onion and garlic powder and baking powder. Mix well.

-Add water and lime juice to make a thick bat­ter, add more water if need­ed.

-Preheat oil and drop by the spoonful (2 tbsp worth) and fry until golden brown.

-Serve hot with tamarind dipping sauce